Friday, March 18, 2011

Electronic Evolution

I had to take a photo of my Canon 5D Mark II digital SLR camera and my little epad sitting next to my small collection of vintage cameras. From the tiny Baby Brownie camera that took pictures measuring only 1 5/8 X 2 1/2"  to my new 5D with 21 megapixels of imaging power. Wow - electronic evolution.

I'm eventually going to put up pics and info on some of my old cameras on my website ( but that is only a thought at this point. I love old cameras and old photos, so many of my images are reminiscent of vintage images, especially more and more of my portrait work.

Seems strange in a way to have a super-modern, high resolution camera with a top of the line lens that gives sharp, crisp images and to then use it to create soft, black & white images with some grain added to simulate old film prints. But there you go.